BBS Costume

BBS Costume
Photo from Bubbling Brown Sugar 1976

Friday, October 22, 2010

Me and Cab Calloway...cont

OK....since I last blogged, a blessing or answered prayer, has been bestowed upon me.  My one man stage production, based on my autobiography, entitled " I JUST WANT TO TELL SOMEBODY", is being produced and scheduled to open at The Shakespere Theater,  in Wash DC, during Black History Month , Feb 2011,  This has brought about a great amount of glee....and joy..for me , and Carol Mumin, the co-producer, and script writer. Dreams are the seeds to reality, and this dream is coming true for all of us involved, who dared to dream. Enough of that ....
Picking up where I left off, the musical bridge,, I pulled her up to me, we hit a pose, she slowly spins around me, and continues the dance to "Sophiscated Ladies" . We had done this to perfection in all the rehearsals as well as all the performances.....But.....on this particular theater goes....when I lifted her on my shoulder and reached for her right hand, as she sat upon my shoulder, before she fell backwards, my hand got caught in her costumes sleeve, preventing me from grabing her arm , and supporting her ,as she fell backwards.  When she fell backwards, and because I didn't have her, I had to just ,GRAB HER, to prevent her from falling on her head. In doing so, she was caught ,by me, upside down-, with he legs flying was AWEFUL... I eased her to a position where she could finally get her footing, and awkwardly, stand. Once on her feet, she quickly picked up where she was supposed to be, in the choreography. As I exited stage right, I was destraught, embarrassed, humiliated, all I could say to myself was..." oh. almost dropped the prima ballerina, of the Dance Theater of Harlem, the most beautiful women in the world...I  kept  saying ...oh wasn't my arm got caught in her was't my fault.." But I knew, she knew, it wasn't my fault.  Then Cab angrily came up to me and said.." what's wrong wit you motha f....almost dropping that girl"...He had been stand offish all the time up until now,,,I tried to explain that my hand got caught in her costumes,   he said "agh...agh , waved me off , and walked away...That was insult to injury.   I was totally embarressed. All I could do was drop my head in shame.. Then Cab came back...seeing my humilation...laughing , and said.." GOTCHA...DIDN'T.... I.?  ",  he began laughing, then  he turned, fixed his brim,,,popped his collar,,and strutted away in his Cab Then Lydia came off stage as the song came to it's concluson. She saw me devastated, and immediately began to comfort me, as if..nothing had happened at all. I just kept apologizing, and she said.. dismissing it,,man come on...forget it,.... then she said ..."you look like you need a drink...let me buy you a drink after the show". Cab and Lydia, began to laugh at my embaressment. Then they both began to console me. Cab started putting up his dukes, edging me on  to spar with him, saying.." c'mon sucka...c'mon suppose to be a man....c'mon and get a piece of this,,," as he moved  around, feigning to throw a punch....He and Lydia laughed some more , then he whispered in my ear. " you ain't gon never get her Now ",  he laughed,  and almost missing  his entrance cue,  he ran on stage. From that moment on , me and Cab Calloway, were cool,,, I then began to go to his dressing room , like I did  Honi Coles;s room, talk to him and ask him questions about the past . My name  being Smokey.....I asked him if he really knew a bloke named Smokey....that he talks about in his classic tune "Minnie the Moocher".. For those of you that don't know...These are the  lyrics in the second verse: ...." she messed around with a bloke named Smokey,,,she loved him even though he was cokey....he took her down, to Chinatown,  and showed her how to kick, the gong"......He then said to me ...... be cont. in my next blog....... I'll see you  soon...............Ronald Smokey Stevens

1 comment:

  1. Living this story through your words. Congratulations on your one-man show.
